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Faculty Level Cells

Faculty Career Guidance Cell

The Career Guidance Cell (CGC) of the Faculty of Technology at Eastern University, Sri Lanka,provides a range of services including Career Counselling, Internships & Mentorships,Conducting Networking Events & Industrial Conference, Self-Development Programmes, Career Fair, Informational Interviews, Aid in Resume Development, and Industrial Workshops to the Undergraduate Students. The unit functions directly under the Director of Career Guidance Unit Eastern University, Sri Lanka


  • To offering career counseling to students
  • To minimize the employment- education gap and promoting effective workforce     
  • To provide students with networking skills, professional training to find industrial     
  • To create and enhance self-awareness, self-development to identify the individuality of     
  • To recognize and guide students who require special assistance



Faculty GEE Cell

The GEE cell in each faculty works with the University’s GEE Cell to promote gender equity and equality and ensure the absence of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) issues related to the staff and students of the faculty.     
The GEE cell of the Faculty of Technology was established in 2021. The faculty’s GEE cell meets once in two months a year and reports directly to the Faculty Board.


  • Dr. T. Mathiventhan (Chairperson)
  • Ms. A. Aarthy Mariaselvam (Focal point/academic staff)
  • Dr. T.M. S. A Tennakoon
  • Mr. V. Sasikaran (Technical Officer)
  • Mrs. P. Thayalan (Management Assistant)
  • Mr. K. Sanjayan (Studen)
  • Miss. S.C.T. Dilshani (Student)

Please feel free to reach out to us.     
Email: (GEE cell, FoT, EUSL)     
Phone number: 065 3121759 (Dean, FoT) 065 3651818 (AR, FoT)     
Complaint box (available in the premises of the Faculty of Technology)     
For further information (Gender Equity/Equality Cell, EUSL) (Centre for Gender Equity/Equality, UGC)


Faculty CICL Cell

CICL at the FoT jointly works with the CICL at EUSL to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the centre.

Members of the Team

  • Dean FoT
  • Coordinator/CICL FoT

Contact Details

The Coordinator/CICL    
Faculty of Technology    
Eastern University, Sri Lanka


Faculty UBL Cell

To bridge the gap among Industries and the academic community ,we aim to collaborate with     
government and private sector industries to commercialize FOT, EUSL innovations and inventions of     
research outcomes, and identifying potential industries in order to transfer technologies developed as     
research outcomes of university academics are among the major activities of University Business Linkage     
Cell OF FOT     
What we offer?

  • Develop business oriented skills in students.
  • Facilitate the commercialization of outcome based Research
  • Conduct workshops, webinars, and training sessions to educate the student to promote outcome based     

Members of the team     
Mrs. Narmhikaa Nithushan     
UBL Coordinator     
Faculty of Technology     
Contact details:       
Tele no: 0766677363     
Links (EUSL and UGC of the same unit or cell)


FQAC cell

Last Updated